Ministry is changing rapidly, especially in this new era in which we all have been thrust. We are finding that many church and ministry leaders are not well-equipped to provide the development, implementation, and oversight necessary to identify, design, develop, and maintain effective and complete ministry that transforms lives. Many graduates of seminary and other ministry institutes are simply not adequately prepared for all of the responsibilities and requirements for leading ministry. These institutions, for the most part, prepare their students very well in the areas of hermeneutics, theology, Greek and Hebrew languages, and how to effectively preach a sermon. However, these graduates are oftentimes not well-prepared for the necessities of how to do church in the areas to which they have been called. This is especially true in the area of administrative responsibilities. How do you create and read spreadsheets? How do you manage a multistaffed megachurch with locations in many communities?
This vital component of a much more comprehensive organization has been developed to provide leaders in churches, ministries, associations, denominations, alliances, and educational institutions with material and related content that provide a basis from which leaders may develop ministries in a simple, yet complete, manner that reaches individuals with the Gospel of Christ. There is no way that the materials and services provided through Ministry By Design can be a complete offering of everything the local church or ministry needs; however, there is enough information provided that, with a little bit of work and diligence, the local church or ministry can better serve more individuals by using the available tools and services.
Check the various pages of this site for more information about this powerful and readily available ministry to the church and other ministries.